
Dave is a designer.
Crushes UI/UX and digital product design.
Also branding, graphics, animation, VR, AR.
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Music for your baby's brain

Smart Start is an early childhood educational app created in partnership with the Royal Conservatory of Music.

Smart Start combines RCM’s acclaimed teaching methods with the latest neuroscience research to provide parents and newborns a unique musical bonding experience that kickstarts motor, cognitive, spatial and perceptual awareness.

pique masthead

Screen-free playtime between parent and child

It was crucial that the phone did not distract from the bonding experience between parent and child. Each 10 minute play session is designed to be played through entirely with the phone out of sight. Audio queues guide the parent through the musical activities, with large simple controls in case the session needs to be interrupted and resumed later.

Gamifying Science

Scientific research showed that playing one musical session a day, 3 to 4 times a week yielded optimal development in newborns.

To create this behaviour we designed a simple and playful reward system. Each day, completing one session rewards a unique, collectible, handcrafted sticker. The app also tracks the user’s progress over the last 7 days, providing positive reinforcement through a star rating and friendly messages.

Critical Reception

Smart Start released to fantastic reception. After its first year on the iOS App Store Smart Start had maintained a 4.8 star rating.

download on the app store